Meet Anju Bist Who Has Helped Over 5 Lakh Women Switch To Reusable Sanitary
In 2022, Anju Bist was among the 75 women who were honoured as ‘Women Transforming India’ by Niti Aayog, the apex public policy thinktank of the Government of India.
Women brand making sanitary pads from banana fibre gets best social initiative award
‘Saukhyam’ reusable pads, a Mata Amritanandamayi Math project, are made by women self-help groups in various states of the country to empower women in rural areas.
Meet 3 extraordinary women leading the menstrual health and hygiene movement in the South
Shivajyothi, a software engineer at Deloitte, had an eye-opening experience a few years ago when she attended an awareness workshop on sanitary waste management organised by “Saukyam Reusable Pads”, an initiative by Amritanandamayi.
“There is no problem in talking about pads with a man. You shouldn’t feel shy. You must help end the stigma around menstruation.”- Mata Amritanandamayi.
The pads are made in rural areas, giving job opportunities to women. They are made using banana fiber, which is one of the most absorbent materials found in Nature, and are sold at a minimal cost.
World Menstrual Hygiene Day: Covid and lockdown making periods 'greener'
Being home free of the worry of staining and reduced discomfort, and the sudden awareness of the broken relationship with nature that covid-19 brought is nudging women towards alternative menstrual products.
Reusable menstrual pad is clearly an idea whose time has come. Not only are such reusable products helping many consumers save money, they are also offering a better choice to scores of women.
Reusable pads essential to make menstrual hygiene sustainable for all women and girls
Educated and informed young women are switching to reusable products, not only due to environmental concerns but also potential health hazards of using disposable sanitary pads.
In rural areas these days, women and girls aspire to have a better product for menstrual hygiene. More than 200,000 women and girls have made the shift both in India and internationally to Saukhyam reusable pads
Sustainable menstrual hygiene in India can be achieved only with reusable pads made of organic material.
Reusable menstrual pads is clearly an idea whose time has come
Reusable menstrual pads is clearly an idea whose time has come.Big businesses all over the world are beginning to embrace the principles of circular economy in which there is no waste.
Women and girls aspire to have a better product for menstrual hygiene by shifting to reusable sanitary pads, evident from the fact that more than 200,000 women and girls have made the shift both in India and internationally to Saukhyam reusable pads
If every woman and girl of menstruating age in India were to use disposable pads, 38,500,000,000 used pads would be discarded every month-an environmental disaster since each of these would take 500-800 years to degrade naturally.
Reusable pads essential to make menstrual hygiene sustainable for all women and girls
Educated and informed young women are switching to reusable products, not only due to environmental concerns but also potential health hazards of using disposable sanitary pads.
केले के फाइबर से बने ये रीयूजेबल सैनिटरी पैड्स हैं आपके लिए ज्यादा साफ-सुथरा ईको फ्रेंडली विकल्प
भले ही बाजार सैनिटरी पैड्स से भरा हुआ है, लेकिन उनमें से अधिकांश पर्यावरण प्रदूषण का कारण हैं। जबकि सौख्यम रीयूजेबल पैड्स, कृषि अपशिष्ट से बने हैं और इनका दोबारा इस्तेमाल किया जा सकता है।
Now, Make Sustainable Menstrual Choices with Saukhyam Pads
These pads provide a sustainable and eco-friendly alternative to traditional sanitary napkins that contribute to the problems of waste and climate change.
बाजार में आ गए हैं धोकर इस्तेमाल करने वाले सेनेटरी पैड्स, एक बार खरीदो 4 साल की छुट्टी
बाजार में मिलने वाले दूसरे पैड्स का इस्तेमाल एक बार ही हो पाता है. ये पैड्स डिस्पोजेबल भी नहीं होते लेकिन सौख्यम पैड्स के साथ ऐसा कोई झंझट नहीं है. इन पैड्स को कटे हुए केले के पेड़ के रेशो से बनाया जाता है.
Don’t Throw in the Towel: On Saukhyam Reusable Sanitary Pads
In December 2016, the product was awarded the Most Innovative Product Award by the National Institute of Rural Development and also acknowledged as a sustainable model by the United Nations.
Saukhyam provides reusable pads made of cotton and banana fiber. The inserts are detachable and are stuffed with banana fibre that absorbs the menstrual blood.
The pads are the initiative of Amrita SeRVe (Self Reliant Village) project of Mata Amritanandamayi Math. The aim is not only to prevent an environmental catastrophe but also provide employment to rural women.
Youngsters are willing to switch over to reusable pads: Anju Bist
However, if every woman of reproductive age in India were to use disposable sanitary pads, an estimated 5,800 crore soiled pads would be discarded annually.
“Our experience shows that women are willing to try eco-friendly solutions,” Bist says who has satisfied customers not only in rural India but also in countries like Singapore.
"In the olden days, women would use cloth and find it highly inconvenient. But a modern-day cloth pad is different from a piece of cloth. It is economical, doesn't stain and is as easy to wash as a handkerchief."
Conversation around menstruation is avoided in India even today. One cannot openly discuss the problems related to something as natural as menstruation as it is considered embarrassing, dirty and impure.
“Since today’s youth are more environmentally aware, it is necessary that we start talking to them early on all the facets of menstruation,” says Bist.
Banana fibre is one of the most natural absorbent materials and when we ran a pilot test we got some amazing results. The pads dry very fast, absorb much more than other cloth pads, are easy to wash and more comfortable than disposable pads.
अब भोपाल हाट में भी मिलेंगे केले के रेशों से बने सौख्यम पैड
भोपाल। किसी भी महिला के लिए माहवारी के दिन एक समस्या या चुनौती के समान ही होते हैं। ऐसे में यदि उन्हें कोई ऐसा साधन मिल जाए जो उनकी इन दिनों की समस्याओं को कम कर दे तो इससे बेहतर क्या हो सकता है।